An Amazing Range of Businesses Used Crowdfunding in September

The diversity of businesses I found using crowdfunding in September demonstrate the flexibility and versatility of this alternative source of finance. They included organisations asking for straight donations, businesses offering rewards for donations, and businesses offering equity to prospective new shareholders. The sums involved ranged from £3,000 to £1.25 million. Success has been varied – some might have been popping champagne corks while others might have to look in the mirror and answer some tough questions. I wonder if any will enter the crowdfunding category of the BOLD Awards?

Straight Donations

Cumbria Wildlife Trust had raised 80% of what is needed to buy and protect a 3,000 acre wilderness of Skiddaw Forest in the Lake District. It launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the final £1.25 million from the general public, and it had reached 85% of this target at the time of publishing this blog. A closing deadline is not visible on their project.

Strongly featured in the news in late September, AFC Wimbledon had to call off their game against Newcastle United when heavy rain caused a sinkhole to appear in their pitch. A crowdfunding page quickly gave the club’s supporters a chance to make donations, and it was great to see Newcastle United chip in with £15,000. As of September 30, the total raised had reached almost £123,000.

A Portuguese association for travel agents is asking for donations towards possible legal costs. They want to start an action against Ryanair for what they claim is “abusive commercial or legal practices.” Some may wish them “good luck.”

Rewards for Donations

A young entrepreneur in Leighton Buzzard has developed a refreshing mist spray with built-in sunscreen. Her financial target on Kickstarter was for £3,000 worth of pre-orders, though her personal aim of reaching 1,000 pre-orders before Christmas will go a lot further to providing product validation to develop her Beame business further.

Tilted Axis Press hopes to raise £75,000. Faced with cuts in arts funding, this independent London-based businesses needs to plug a gap to continue publishing translations of books written by Asian and African authors. It is offering signed copies of newly published titles and will continue to add more rewards throughout the campaign. However, it is progressing slowly and has reached only just over £8,000, though there are 27 days left for people to get behind it.

Pilgrim Brewery in Reigate is offering a range of rewards in a bid to raise £50,000 to buy new brewing equipment. This is the first stage of a complete overhaul that will see them demolish the existing brewery and build a new one to put the equipment in. In the meantime they will be able to keep brewing. The product rewards on offer (some are in the image below) represent discounts of 15% to 20% off their normal taproom bar prices. Here are some further examples of crowdfunding used by breweries.

Equity Crowdfunding

Pro Espresso beat its £110,000 target quite comfortably and raised £151,814. It’s a subscription business that allows members to enjoy top quality coffee at home. The business is supported by an espresso machine manufacturer.

Not so positive are the results for the upmarket Embers Camping holiday company. They had reached 71% of their £200,001 target with just two days left. Perhaps the recent torrential rain and flooding brought home to people what a precarious investment it could be.

No such worries for the chocolate drink specialist Knoops. They had reached their £1 million target within two days of the project being thrown open to the public. This is never a case of just good luck, it is always due to good planning and hard work in the earlier stages.

Fermtech is an Oxford-based startup that produces a zero-carbon protein that adds taste to plant-based foods. With just four days left to run they had raised £364,000, 5% above their £325,000 target for 10.82% of the company’s equity.  

MPower is a Swiss-based company hoping to raise £1 million for 9.89% equity in the business. MPower raises money from retail investors in Europe, and lends it to lower and middle income earners in Africa, plus small and medium size businesses, to acquire solar panels and electrical appliances. Access to an energy source and equipment can transform lives and accelerate the growth of a small business.

Within each of these three forms of crowdfunding, there are some similar basic rules that apply to being successful.

  • Do not go public until you have some guaranteed support that means your crowdfunding will begin with a bang and not a whimper.
  • Keep supporting your crowdfunding project on social media, and by email if you have a database of addresses.
  • Plan each stage of the project and prepare plenty of image and video content in advance.

You can follow me on Twitter to see my updates and comments on crowdfunding projects as I post them. I am an independent crowdfunding advisor with no formal ties to any particular platforms.

BOLD Awards is an international annual award programme for 33 categories of digital industries and the technology that powers them. Crowdfunding is one of the categories. Projects entered into this category should be able to demonstrate the steps taken to invite others to support their cause and help raise funding, though the winner will be a crowdfunding campaign that also delivered much more than just funding. Entries that are at least started before October 17 will miss a €100 increase in the entry fee, and they can be updated any number of times before the final deadline in December. The award ceremony for the BOLD Awards sixth edition is a black-tie event in Lisbon on 28th March 2025. Enter now – and I hope to see you there!

Crowdfunding Tips and Insights are Often Freely Shared

Crowdfunding tips and insights shared by four crowdfunding experts

It is a very helpful that many people who have been successful at using crowdfunding are prepared to share their tips and insights. This article includes some crowdfunding tips offered by four experienced users.

Due Diligence is often problematic

John Auckland of Tribe First, which provides crowdfunding “boot camps,” shared in a radio show that information given in team biographies often delays the crowdfunding due diligence process more than any other section of the pitch. Every claim has to be evidenced, including the management team’s career history with payslips and tax returns. It’s a challenge and failing due diligence checks can significantly delay a campaign. Rather than deliberately trying to mislead anyone, failure is often because people don’t have the evidence to hand for the claims being made.

“It might sound impressive that you made 10,000 sales last month, or achieved a 300% sales growth in just one year, but can you demonstrate it? If you’re making claims like this, you’ll have to offer the platform a complete list of your sales and show your working.” Source: John Auckland on Kent Business Radio.

This is corroborated by Chris Forbes, co-founder of The Cheeky Panda, a brand of tissues and related products made from sustainable bamboo, not paper (which is essentially from trees). “Entrepreneurs should keep in mind that due diligence is probably the most arduous part of the [crowdfunding] process. You’ll need appropriate evidence for every claim you intend to make in the pitch.” Source: Republic Europe (formerly Seedrs) case study.

Good crowdfunding is good marketing

Chris Forbes additionally shared that each of The Cheeky Panda’s equity crowdfunding rounds was also valuable for brand awareness and PR that lasted long after the rounds closed. 

The business now has over 1,800 shareholders who are also avid supporters and who continue to advocate for, and positively impact the brand.

Every one of the shareholders can be extremely helpful, which is why he ensures that every effort is made to be as communicative and transparent as possible, even after the round has closed, to make sure that no inquiries go unanswered and to take the insights of shareholders on board.

Crowdfunding’s advantages over VC funding

Laurence Kemball-Cook is CEO of Pavegen, an innovative B2B company that generates sustainable electricity from people’s footsteps. In an explanation of why he chose to use crowdfunding to raise early-stage investment, he said the terms from VCs are always restrictive. “They want board seats, control, liquidation preferences, restrictive terms on the founders – all things which don’t favour the company raising money,” he explained in an interview.

Much of this is echoed by Chris Forbes of The Cheeky Panda. “For the last round [of equity crowdfunding] we spoke to a lot of Private Equity houses but they tend to be slower-moving, and we wanted to expedite the process. We didn’t want to give up large percentages of equity, end up with a mix of equity and debt, or undergo expensive board hires which would compromise our profitability. We also didn’t want to be instructed how to spend the funds by external parties. We prefer to do things our way, and the crowd supports that.”

Have a communications strategy

Patrick Dumas is co-founder of Square Mile Farms, a vertical farming business created to bring farming to urban spaces, boosting wellbeing and sustainability. He found that crowdfunding is a very busy, stressful and distracting process. A key learning for their second round of equity crowdfunding, and one of his crowdfunding tips to make it less stressful and more manageable, is to have a clear communication strategy to follow. This included LinkedIn and email outreach from the pre-registration stage onwards. They were more organised and proactive with their communications the second time, with a schedule list to work from.

Like The Cheeky Panda, Square Mile Farms has over 1,000 shareholders from crowdfunding, and the feedback they’ve had from them is overwhelmingly positive, constructive and straightforward, Patrick said in a case study. They issue quarterly updates, and occasionally people respond to them with a lead or recommendation, which they find really helpful.

After immersing myself in crowdfunding for almost ten years I have a few crowdfunding tips and insights of my own. Please get in touch via [email protected] if you have crowdfunding ideas or plans you’d like to discuss.

Why crowdfunding works so well for craft beer brewers

Why crowdfunding works well for craft beer brewers

Crowdfunding is a proven and popular way for craft beer brewers to raise money to expand or accelerate growth, or even to start in the first place. It is also a popular way for many thousands of beer drinkers to be able to say “I own part of a brewery.” Here is what I consider to be the key factors.

Funding sources for craft beer brewers

Crowdfunding is popular with craft beer brewers because there are few barriers to using it, beyond the hard work it involves. And many brewers already have a crowd of buyers and drinkers to appeal to who consume their products on a regular basis.

Bank and P2P loans are restricted to businesses that are already trading, with an income and a future order book that looks solid enough to make the repayments. An existing brewer may be able to secure a bank loan, but a new startup won’t. Banks also require guarantees against loans, and if a brewery goes bust its owners will still be liable for the debt. That’s not a comfortable feeling.

As for VCs, the craft beer sector is very fragmented with many small players. From 2018 to 2022 the number of UK brewers grew from 1,489 to 2,426.

Number of breweries in the UK from 2018 to 2022

Graph showing the number of UK breweries

             Source: © Statista 2023

Organic growth is typically slow. It can be difficult to scale fast as it is the antithesis of being a craft product. An exit strategy of an eventual sale to a big drinks company would be difficult to achieve as they have already had their pick of the crop. The Budweiser owner, AB InBev, acquired Camden Brewery; SABMiller purchased Meantime, which was local to me in Greenwich, south east London; Carlsberg took over London Fields; and Heineken acquired Beavertown, founded by Logan Plant, son of the former Led Zeppelin vocalist Robert Plant.

As well as limited opportunities to scale, many of the newcomers seeking funding don’t want to raise enough money for VCs to even consider them in the first place.

Crowdfunding is flexible

During Covid, several brewers turned to reward-based crowdfunding to ask customers for their support. Pre-Covid, the Manchester Union Brewery had relied on keg sales in on-trade outlets. When lockdown closed the pubs, they asked their community for donations to install a canning line that would enable them to switch to online orders for home delivery. Incentives to support their appeal included discounts off future purchases, shorter waiting times for deliveries, and inclusion on a “Wall of Honour.” It raised £46,141 from 617 supporters in 64 days.

This method of crowdfunding continues to be used by breweries to raise money to build or expand taprooms (which are on-site public bars). As an example, in March 2021, the Skinners Brewery in Cornwall raised £152,301 from 2,449 supporters in 28 days to build an outdoor drinking area at its site in Truro. Perks for donors included beer vouchers, tickets to exclusive events, branded merchandise and online sales discounts.

Skinners Brewery in Cornwall raised money through crowdfunding to build its outdoor drinking area

Bringing forward demand to generate pre-payment by offering beer vouchers can ease short-term cashflow issues, but has to be carefully judged so that those issues aren’t merely delayed until another time.

Many startup breweries offer shares in the business through equity crowdfunding. One running in November 2023 was Signature Brew, whose business model is to brew collaboration beers with bands and musicians. Founder and CEO Tom Bott had exceeded the £700,007 target for 4.59% equity by +25% with a few days left before the round closed.

Crowdfunding is popular with startups, but not it’s exclusively for startups. Exmoor Ales was established in 1980, and in March 2024 it closed a crowdfunding round that had raised £330,048 from 329 investors. Perks for investors included the standard branded merchandise, discounts on online orders, and a limited amount of free beer for life for larger investors as long as they remained a shareholder.

Good crowdfunding is good marketing

Running a crowdfunding campaign can generate significant media coverage and social media buzz. It serves as a marketing tool, creating awareness about a brewery and its products. This increased visibility can attract not only backers but also potential customers.

In 2023, the southeast London Gipsy Hill Brewery brewed the first carbon-negative beer without using offsets. In October ’23 they began a round of equity crowdfunding and announced their aim to be the world’s first carbon-negative brewery by 2030. The crowdfunding raised awareness of the brewery’s carbon reduction accomplishments to date and future aims. The founder and CEO was interviewed by the Sunday Times, and a television station camera crew turned up to film him at the brewery.

Crowdfunding empowers consumers

Benefits for backers

The most commonly hoped for outcome from investing in an equity crowdfunding campaign is a good return on investment. The founder of Camden Town Brewery, Jasper Cuppaidge, used equity crowdfunding in 2015 to raise £2,749,860 to build his own brewery in London. The amount of equity this involved meant the brewery was valued at around £50 million. Eight months later, having come to its attention, and seeing the extent of its public support (good crowdfunding = good marketing), AB InBev bought Camden Town Brewery for an estimated £85 million. In under a year, the 2,172 crowdfunding investors had secured a 70% return.

Successful crowdfunding does not always mean that a brewery will go on to achieve long-term commercial success. There is a risk. After 25 years the Skinners Brewery in Cornwall was forced to close in October 2022, despite its new outdoor venue paid for with crowdfunded donations.

However, small-scale investors know that a low entry cost to buy some shares can be recovered through using the online discounts that are often offered as perks. When they have saved enough money it effectively means they have reached a breakeven point and become a shareholder at no cost.

When businesses are registered under the HMRC’s EIS and SEIS schemes, crowdfunding investors who are UK taxpayers can reclaim from 30% to 50% of their initial investment. Any eventual return on investment is outside of Capital Gains Tax, or if the business sadly fails then even more of the initial investment can be reclaimed through the taxman.

Beyond ROI, sociable investors like to meet like-minded people at investor events, and can visit a brewery’s taproom bar at any other time to seek out kindred spirits.

Some investors like to invest in several breweries to create an annual schedule of perks of free or at least subsidised beer deliveries at home.

And of course there is the opportunity to drop “I’m a part owner of a brewery” into conversations.

Non-monetary benefits of a brewery having a crowd of backers

Crowdfunding is not just about raising money; it’s about helping to build a community around a brand or a business.

New crowdfunding research findings reveal that crowdfunding backers enjoy a sense of deciding which companies and products will make it to the marketplace. It gives them a tenuous link to the buzz of entrepreneurship with little personal risk – depending on the size of their investments.

I believe it’s then reasonable to consider that having contributed to the existence of a brewery, its new brewing equipment and premises, or a taproom, the crowdfunding backers will be very loyal.

Regular visitors to a brewery taproom can be encouraged to try limited quantities of new beers and give their feedback. Or packaged products could be delivered to crowdfunding backers at home. This form of product validation helps decide which new beers to take to full production.

Brewery supporters, whether investors or donors, can also be very useful as brand advocates. They can give word-of-mouth support and encourage friends and colleagues to try a brewery’s products. They may be able to provide vital business connections and make introductions, and also personally offer to provide a range of services from accountancy and legal advice to decorating offices and servicing vehicles.

To summarise, beer is a product that relationships can be built around, rather than simply regard an investment through crowdfunding as a transaction. Anyone who leaves it at just taking the money is missing a trick or two.

Crowdfunding’s popular for food and drink brands and restaurants

Food and drink crowdfunding examples October 2023

Of the crowdfunding campaigns and related news I noticed in October there was a high proportion that were food related. This includes startup food brands and restaurants. Entrepreneurs and startup founders in these sectors have identified that as well as raising funds to invest in the business, well planned and executed crowdfunding also represents good marketing.

Crowdfunding for food and drinks brands can stimulate trial, prompt consumers to ask for them in their local outlets, and increase brand loyalty among existing users who can become investors. New shareholders can also become valuable customers in a virtuous circle that gives crowdfunding backers a strong motivation to become brand advocates and ambassadors.

Similarly, crowdfunding used by restaurants can bring forward consumer demand and have them pay now for meals they will enjoy at a later date. From burger and coffee chains to Michelin-starred restaurants, it provides customers with a talking point to recommend a favourite place to go to friends and colleagues. Perks such as limited places for cookery lessons, or even meals prepared by chefs in crowdfunding backers’ own homes can deliver a wow-factor to make the backers feel special, and once again give them a talking point.

Crowdfunding backers also have the chance to get to know about the people behind startup food and drink brands, and restaurants, and maybe identify with their broader aims from an increasingly ESG or community asset perspective.

Crowdfunding by Restaurants

Chefs Lewis Dwyer and Andy Aston opened their independent Michelin Star restaurant called Hiraeth in Cowbridge, Wales, last November after raising £30,000 of reward-based donations through crowdfunding. They now need new premises after the landlord unexpectedly decided to sell the property.

Chef Merlin Labron-Johnson had already beaten his £125,000 crowdfunding target with 10 days left to run. He was raising money to relocate his farm-to-table restaurant Osip 2.0 in Somerset. His crowdfunding went on to achieve £166,261 from 464 backers to help bring this project to life. As perks, he offered branded restaurant crockery, chocolate cookie tasting sessions, hampers of mixed goodies, lunch and dinner at the restaurant for groups up to eight people, and home cooked meal for fifteen, and tickets for an exclusive opening night party.

Equity crowdfunding by London-based Honest Burgers’ closed after raising almost £3m. The casual dining restaurant group soundly beat its £1m target, raising £2,905,631 from 3,456 investors. It will now open further restaurants and launch a new quick-service burger.

Founded in Barcelona in 2020, startup coffee chain GoodNews is soon launching a round of equity crowdfunding after three previous seed and Series A funding rounds, which have already raised €15m (£13m). Good crowdfunding can be good marketing and attract loyal customers.

Startup founders Florin Grama and Felix Ortona Coles met while working at St Barts restaurant in London’s Smithfield Market area. In October they began reward-based crowdfunding to raise £20,000 for the final pieces of equipment they needed to open their Tarn Bakery in Highgate. Perks include classes to make croissants, sourdough pastry and pasta. By October 29 they had reached £15,242 with eight days left to run.

Crowdfunding by food and drink startups

With the growing demand for minimally processed and natural plant-based food, Tempeh brand Better Nature has launched another round of equity crowdfunding as part of a £1 million-plus raise to drive retail growth for its meat alternative range across the UK and Europe.

Hertfordshire-based SRSLY Low Carb has signed an agreement with a food distributor that services leading supermarket chains in all 50 US states. To support global growth, SRSLY is embarking on a seven-figure equity investment round which includes a round of equity crowdfunding in November with a minimum target of £500,000.

Earlier this year, craft beer maker Gipsy Hill Brewing in southeast London launched the world’s first carbon-negative beers, achieved without relying on carbon offsets. A new crowdfunding campaign in November will help them accelerate their climate-positive agenda. The brewery ran its first equity investment round in 2022, in which 581 investors joined its community and invested £865,149, 130% above Gipsy Hill’s target.

A former City analyst founded the Cheesegeek food marketplace platform in 2017 to connect artisan cheesemakers with consumers. Edward Hancock now hopes his equity crowdfunding campaign in November 2023 will raise £150,000 so he can start a forum for cheese fans, with investors invited to develop a new variety.

French plant-based food brand La Vie closed its equity crowdfunding in October with 2,691 backers investing €2.1 million. La Vie, whose UK headquarters are in London, used the Crowdcube platform which through its Barcelona office is authorised to run crowdfunding campaigns throughout the EU as well as in the UK. La Vie’s multi-award-winning plant-based alternative to bacon is available in 13 European countries. The brand claims to have so far saved over 90,000 pigs and 2 million tonnes of CO2.

Considering crowdfunding?

If you are thinking about running crowdfunding, and in any sector, not just crowdfunding for food brands, the most common mistake is to not allow enough time for preparatory work. This can include building larger networks of followers, and for those considering equity crowdfunding the platforms will require you to have lead investors prepared to guarantee a minimum of 30% of your target raise.

I am an independent crowdfunding strategist and adviser, unattached to any particular crowdfunding platforms. Please get in touch for objective advice and insights into your plans, and maybe hands-on support if you decide you want it. Send an email to [email protected] to get started.

A Snapshot of Small Business Crowdfunding Projects

Examples of small businesses using crowdfunding

Crowdfunding’s a great way for small business owners to raise alternative funding that’s usually not enough for VCs to be interested. An article published in September 2023 by Small Business Trends gave an overview of five types of crowdfunding, plus five benefits that crowdfunding delivers.

Crowdfunding can certainly do more than just raise money for a business, and here are more than five benefits.

  • Crowdfunding can provide social proof and product validation to show that startup business founders are going in the right direction.
  • It can also be used by existing businesses of any age to develop new products and expand.
  • Early crowdfunding backers can provide valuable feedback as a business tries to fit all the pieces of a jigsaw together to achieve success.
  • Early backers can also become brand advocates in a virtuous circle that allows customers to become investors and investors can become important customers.
  • Pre-orders can de-risk the first production run of a new product, and even multi-national companies including Sony, Coca-Cola and Mattel have used crowdfunding to test consumer demand. 
  • Crowdfunding is very flexible and not only for consumer-facing businesses. Although it’s not exactly small these days, B2B mineral extraction company Cornish Lithium has just closed a crowdfunding round having raised £5.1m.
  • Whatever type of business you have, a well planned and executed crowdfunding campaign also provides great marketing support to build awareness of a business and attract interest. Get in touch if you want to discuss your ideas.
  • Crowdfunding opportunities can also appeal to everyday retail investors who choose to support companies that are active in certain specialist business sectors.


Recycled clothing is becoming more and more popular as awareness grows of the amount of waste in the fashion and clothing industry. Immaculate Vegan is an upmarket vegan and sustainable fashion platform. Encouraged by 56% year-on-year sales growth, it launched an equity crowdfunding campaign that closes/closed on September 26. Its target was £200,000 – it reached over £300,000 from more than 300 investors.


There have been many successful small business crowdfunding projects in the cycling sector. I guess they appeal to people who want to invest in businesses that may help get people out of cars and tackle air pollution.

Two years ago, the Smart Tyre Company startup in Ohio, USA, developed an airless tyre for road bikes in partnership with NASA. They claim they have both the elasticity of rubber and the strength of titanium, and made them available through crowdfunding on Kickstarter. With 16 days to go at the time of writing, almost 300 backers had pledged just short of £125,000 to order a set of the innovative bike tyres.

Scottish startup Intra Drive is also using equity crowdfunding, through Crowdcube, to help bring its new 8-speed mid-drive for e-bikes to market. The redesigned e-bike motor comes with enhanced efficiency that simplifies manufacturing; a lighter gearbox; integrated electronics; an innovative display interface; and it is easier for manufacturers and consumers alike to fit it.


Healthtech startup AudioTelligence launched a crowdfunding campaign for its hearing enhancement device. Having decided to go-it-alone rather than sell out to an established rival, their small business crowdfunding goal is £400,000 to fund the manufacture of an initial batch of 1,000 units. Feedback from these early backers will be very valuable to aid product development.


The company that owns both the Cornish Pirates rugby club and Truro City football club in Cornwall, Kernow Sport, has raised over £413,000 from nearly 500 investors by offering equity through crowdfunding. It’s the first stage of raising a £2.5m total as the main benefactor begins to wind down his personal investment in the two clubs, reported the BBC.

Small bsuiness crowdfunding can support sports clubs like the Cornish Pirate rugby team

Community-based projects

The legendary Filmhouse Cinema in Edinburgh is raising the first £250,000 of a total £1.25m needed to re-open with a 21 year lease in its existing building which is being refurbished.

By September 17, a 2021 Masterchef contestant was over 80% of the way to raising £35,000 through reward-based small business crowdfunding to help him open a new restaurant in Bishop Auckland, northeast England.


Small buiness crowdfunding helps raise smaller sums than VCs are interested in

HouseStars is an AI-powered app that connects property owners with building trades people. It is 98% of the way to its £125,001 equity crowdfunding target on Seedrs. As at September 25 there were 23 days left to run. SEIS investor benefits are available, which for taxpayers include a rebate through the tax system of 50% of the amount invested.

Food and beverages

World Tea News reported that New York-based Leaves of Leisure, a luxury herbal tea brand with a focus on zero and low caffeine teas, has launched a crowdfunding campaign aimed at growing the brand and expanding into new markets. CEO and Founder Allison Ullo hopes to raise $50,000.

Crowdfunding, through offering equity or bringing new products to market, is definitely a strong option for many small businesses with big ambitions. I am an independent crowdfunding adviser, with no ties to any particular platforms. Whatever sector you work in, crowdfunding is very flexible and could play a role to help turn your innovation and dreams in to life-changing reality. If you’d like an objective assessment of how crowdfunding could provide a solution for you, and how close you are to being ready to use it, then please get in touch. Send a message to [email protected].

Building Sound Foundations for a Startup Through Crowdfunding

Louis Timpany, founder and CEO of Fix Radio

I was fortunate to meet recently the founder and CEO of the startup Fix Radio station. Louis Timpany did some building site work as a student and experienced the building trade’s love affair with the radio. He listened to their gripes and grumbles about what was on offer, and then set about creating a different type of startup commercial radio station that better suited their listening habits – sometimes all day, most days – and also championed their causes. He then had to set about monetising it to build a secure future for his niche radio station which is outside the established pattern of how a commercial radio station operates these days. Louis turned to equity crowdfunding.

After starting with a regional presence based around London and Manchester, in 2022 the station was granted a national digital licence. Since then its listening audience size has grown by nearly 250%, and national advertisers including B&Q have recognised the Fix Radio station’s ability to deliver a key advertising audience with low wasteage.

The station also gets behind what matters to the building trade. Such as the grim statistic that men who work in construction have the highest suicide rate of any industry sector in the UK. The seemingly never-ending introduction of one-way roads and width restrictions make life more difficult for builders – and their clients. Post-Brexit immigration rules are exacerbating the construction sector’s skills shortages, and escalating fuel and building material prices mean it’s harder to manage costs and make adequate profit.

For those of you that know me, I spent a couple of summers as a student preparing for each September’s new rugby season by working for a local builder, and later I spent six very rewarding years working at the generic marketing body for the UK commercial radio industry. There was a certain inevitability that I would sign up to Fix Radio when I came across their crowdfunding campaign in 2022, and I was one of nearly 350 investors who backed the station with over £950,000.

The funds allowed Louis Timpany to scaleup his startup radio station by expanding his team; run promotional events across the country to build awareness among potential listeners and commercial supporters; and sign up to industry acceptable audience measurement research. Naturally I wish Louis and his team great success!

If you have a startup business and are thinking about how to raise a budget to accelerate growth, please get in touch to discuss whether crowdfunding is going to be appropriate for you. I will provide you with independent crowdfunding advice and set out a seven-stage appraisal to get you ready.

5 Reasons for Equity Crowdfunding Success

equity crowdfunding success for a doughnut company

Many startups using crowdfunding offer techie apps or fintech products and services, but it was a Midlands-based doughnut company that recently enjoyed phenomenal equity crowdfunding success.

The Project D doughnut company, set up in 2018 by three former schoolmates, launched an equity crowdfunding campaign in May 2023 to raise £400,000 and accelerate the company’s growth. It already had an annual turnover of £2.6m prior to the crowdfunding, and had set an aim to reach £12 million in three years. They were staggered to receive, in just a preliminary private investment round, pledges of £2 million. This was before it was even open to the general public. They used the Crowdcube platform, which is a major one for equity crowdfunding offers in the UK.

The three founders were left wondering how to respond: how much added equity would they open up to crowdfunding investors? Some people may think they should just take the full £2m on offer from investors in the private round, and then go ahead and generate even more from the public round. However, given the high demand for their equity, they could scale back now and possibly come back soon with another round at a higher share price.

Equity crowdfunding success like this is great to see, though it doesn’t happen very often to this degree. And it does also present some problems. I began to think about what the reasons or the circumstances were that caused this surge of popularity. Five factors came to mind.

1. Project D has a low-entry-cost product that significant numbers of customers have been able to try, and evidently decided they like the doughnuts and the way the company operates its D2C order-taking and delivery. They have a substantial community of over one million people to attract as investors. They had obviously done some good data capture work to be able to communicate the crowdfunding offer to them.

2. A lead investor had guaranteed £150,000 – 37.5% of the initial £400,000 target. That gives smaller investors confidence to go ahead.

3. The business had used social media very cleverly to raise brand awareness, with viral videos on its Tiktok account receiving 19 million views in a single two-month period.

4. Project D can claim corporate accounts with British Airways, Brewdog, Amazon and Rolls-Royce. It might have been no more than a delivery to a local office, but big brand names add cachet and boost investor confidence.

5. The company has also won multiple awards including being named the first-ever winner of the Online Bakery Business of the Year category at the 2022 Baking Industry Awards.

To investors, it must have looked like a tasty winner all the way! There are lessons here for all sorts of companies in many different sectors about customer data capture, effective marketing, the value of corporate accounts and the reputational benefits of entering and winning awards.

If you are considering running a business-related crowdfunding project, and want to discuss it with an independent crowdfunding adviser, then please get in touch by an email to [email protected]. To keep up with crowdfunding news, events and projects you can follow me on Twitter.

How do you balance crowdfunding risks and returns?

Crowdfunding risks and returns follow the same rules as any other investment. Higher returns mean exposing money to more risk. This is certainly true in crowdfunding, whether you want to raise money for your business or on a personal basis. I wrote an article for my client BOLD Awards on this topic, which looks at the risks and returns involved in reward, debt, and equity crowdfunding. I included some examples, plus a little personal experience.

Debt crowdfunding platforms, also known as peer-to-peer lenders, generally experience an average default rate of 1 to 10%. Equity crowdfunding mainly, though not exclusively, involves backing startup businesses. On average, 50% of them fail in their first three years, and only 1 in 10 succeeds beyond ten years. Investors seek higher returns from buying equity than from providing capital for loans.

Reward-based crowdfunding, which does not involve buying equity in or lending to a startup, carries its own risks. It swiftly developed from rewarding backers with a gesture of appreciation for a donation to a project or an appeal. In many instances it has become a quasi-sales channel where the donation is effectively the purchase price of a product, and the product happens to be the reward that is provided. Even though this may sound like a straightforward transactional arrangement, it can carry risks if the product on offer is still in the development stage. It is definitely not the same in timescale or consumer protection as ordering an item from Amazon.

The rest of the article goes through the balance of crowdfunding risk and return for each of reward-based crowdfunding; debt crowdfunding (aka peer-to-peer lending): equity crowdfunding; and crowdfunding to buy fractionalised ownership of tangible assets, such as art, luxury cars and watches, rare whisky, and so on. It is over at the Bold Awards site, please use this link to continue reading:

Secondary Market Adds Liquidity To Equity Crowdfunding

It’s been a pleasure to spend time in 2022 working with the CrowdInvest equity crowdfunding platform. Headquartered in London, it’s a cross-border startup investment platform with a mission to connect investors from developed markets with startups from growth markets. A key objective is to accelerate the growth of businesses concerned with environmental or social impact outcomes. They will also operate an equity crowdfunding secondary market for shares bought through the platform.

Their initial spotlight will be on the UK-India corridor and then expand to include emerging economies in southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East. CrowdInvest will pay particular attention to nurturing founders from less privileged backgrounds to generate inclusive, sustainable economic growth. Their transparent application process and due diligence procedures have no gender bias.

I recently wrote an article for them about the growth of secondary markets for shares bought through equity crowdfunding. Buying equity in a privately-owned business through crowdfunding is always risky, and in the early days it was also an illiquid investment. No matter how circumstances changed for any individual investor, their money was going to remain off-limits until the business they invested in exited by completing either a trade sale or an IPO. 

The growth of equity crowdfunding secondary markets in privately-owned businesses has subsequently developed in the past few years for two main reasons:

  • Improved liquidity makes investing in startups through equity crowdfunding platforms more appealing.
  • To make secondary buying and selling a larger income stream for the crowdfunding platforms.

The growth of the secondary market has also attracted other non-crowdfunding fintech platforms. To read the full article please head over to

You can join the CrowdInvest waitlist today at to stay up to date with developments on how to be involved, either investing in startups from emerging economies or in the platform itself.

New UK Crowdfunding Platform CrowdInvest Will Offer Equity in Indian Startups

Clive Reffell's interview of Nakul Garg, co-founder of crowdfunding platform CrowdInvest

Since January 2022 I have written numerous articles for what is going to be a new equity crowdfunding platform in the UK, called CrowdInvest. Its unique market position is that it will offer UK investors opportunities to buy shares in tech startups that operate primarily in India, which is the world’s third largest startup ecosystem. With a population approaching 1.4 billion, startups in India can seriously scaleup without the added complexities of developing or servicing a market in other countries.

CrowdInvest is a group entity of Red Ribbon Asset Management Plc, an Indo-British investment company established in the UK in 2007. Crowd Investments Limited is an Appointed Representative of Prospect Capital Ltd, authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, and investor benefits will be available under the HMRC’s EIS and SEIS schemes.

I recently interviewed CrowdInvest’s co-founder Nakul Garg, an alumni of the London School of Economics. With his permission, here is that interview that was originally published at his LinkedIn account.

Let’s begin with something that many people ask. The Financial Conduct Authority approves CrowdInvest. Particularly for anyone new to equity crowdfunding, does this mean their money is safe?

Money is safe, and we will comply with all FCA requirements and vet the startups we will host to ensure they offer viable investment opportunities. We also ensure that lead investors back the deals and that the risks borne by retail investors are shared with them. However, the failure rate of startups anywhere is notoriously high, and the success of any individual startup cannot be guaranteed. Capital invested in private companies will always incur a level of risk.

UK investors who buy shares through equity crowdfunding enjoy valuable tax advantages when they invest in privately-owned UK companies registered under the HMRC’s EIS and SEIS requirements. Why will they choose to invest in Indian startups?

This is something we seriously thought about. Our solution is that we will require Indian startups to open a branch office to scale their operations in the UK. Doing so will make them eligible for the HMRC’s EIS and SEIS tax benefits. Also, we will onboard UK startups who are already eligible for EIS and SEIS tax benefits and wish to scale up operations in the Indian market.

So the CrowdInvest platform will also host non-Indian startups?

In the first phase, we will focus on startups located anywhere in the world who operate in or want to scale up in the Indian market. They will principally, though not exclusively, be Indian startups. In a second phase, we will onboard investment opportunities from African and south east Asian markets and open up opportunities for investors from other parts of the world. We will truly be a cross-border platform.

Does CrowdInvest have to be approved and regulated by any Indian authorities as well?

No, when we start trading, we won’t cater to Indian investors, so we are not required to be regulated by the Indian regulatory bodies. All our financial promotions will focus on UK investors, so we need to comply with only UK laws and regulations.

What investment options will CrowdInvest provide?

In the first phase, our focus will be on equity crowdfunding and convertible loans. We will start offering other alternative financial instruments as we grow our market penetration.

How will CrowdInvest win the trust of investors? 

We will make sure only vetted startups are onboarded on the platform. The vetting process will include rounds of preliminary checks and due diligence to ensure they have the required certificates, licences, intellectual property, and everything else in place per UK standards.

Other crowdfunding platforms have webinars for startup founders to pitch to potential investors and for investors to ask questions. Will you be doing the same?

Yes, we will, through panel talks, speed date sessions, virtual round tables and YouTube. CrowdInvest will also provide newsletter inclusions and social media promotions. 

With the market value corrections that have taken place this year in the startup space, it has been reported that Indian startups have shed over 11,000 employees, and several are now operating at valuations lower than their IPO. Is there any feeling you may have maybe missed the peak market?

In India,Inc42collects data and reports on the startup scene. They said a little while ago that 57 VC funds launched in 2022, 37 focus on early-stage funding. Seed stage funding in India in the first half of 2022 has been four times higher than in 2021. So whilst a market value reset has certainly taken place, many investors had already turned their attention to the higher ROI generally available from backing startups earlier in their lifecycle. This is where CrowdInvest will operate. So No, we haven’t missed out on anything.

That’s very positive to hear. We’re nearing the end of the interview. Can I ask you what is your own background in crowdfunding and what drew you to it?

I started in the crowdfunding industry three years ago and have since carved out a niche for myself in cross-border investments and fundraising in the Indian startup ecosystem.

I graduated with a Masters from the London School of Economics and gained more than eight years of experience in entrepreneurship and risk consulting, with an extensive background in business development and crowdfunding. My expertise lies in developing and maintaining strong client relationships.

I am also a recognised early-stage entrepreneur, endorsed by the LSE Entrepreneurship arm (LSE Generate) and incubated at IIM (Indian Institute of Management) Udaipur Incubation Centre. Additionally, I have worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Consulting and served US-based startups with their financials while working at a PCAOB registered firm (the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board).

That’s very impressive and well-rounded. A final question, if I may. Do you already have some longer-term aims for CrowdInvest?

We will certainly democratise platform ownership by running our own equity crowdfunding. Our vision is to become a crowd-owned alternative investment platform operating across international borders.

Thank you, Nakul. I wish you success. Thank you, Clive.